One of Grey Eminences, who Led the Oromo to Power in Ethiopia; Fact or Fancy?!

One of Gray Eminences, who Led the Oromo to Power in Ethiopia; Fact or Fancy?!

This article is yet developing!

I know this Gray Eminence (GE) for about 60 years and he is involved directly as well as indirevtly in Oromo politics for about 50 years. He contributed, paid and sacrificed parts of his life and limb for liberation of the Oromo, but without needing any power or prestige for himself. I will try to write about this GE step by step under this thread.

The content of this article:

1. First experience of discrimination as an Oromo at the age of 10 years

2. Contact with the OLF at the year of its formation

3. Experience in Meison and during the Revolution

4. End of high school and meeting the OLFites at Sudan border

5. OLF activity during College life and the persecution

6. Work life and being persecuted as OLFite

7. Engaging the OLFites in exil

8. Pro-OLF activism in diaspora

9. Being part and parcel of the traumatized Oromo

10. The healing and helping process

11. Applying political psychology to contribute for the 2018 change

12. Supporting the consolidation process of Oromo power in the palace

13. Retiring from the 50 years political struggle after securing Oromo’s freedom!


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