Dr Abiy Has to Give up Maintaining Amapia (Amaranet Dominated Ethiopia) and Give in Fostering Oropia (Oromumma Led Ethiopia)!

Dr Abiy Has to Give up Maintaining Amapia (Amaranet Dominated Ethiopia) and Give in Fostering Oropia (Oromumma Led Ethiopia)!

The natural move of Ethiopian politics is from hitherto Amapia (Amaranet dominated Ethiopia) through transitional rainbow Ethiopia towards the establishment of Oropia (Oromumma led Ethiopia). The existing political spectrum can be classified roughly in to the following three groups:

– reactionary forces trying to maintain the ongoing more than 700 years domination of Amaranet/Amarigna, where Ethiopia is de facto Amapia. Organizations like EPP of Dr. Abiy, Ezema of Dr. Berihanu, Nama of Dr. Belete and Baldiras of Eskinder Naga belong here. Actually, this form of Ethiopia is dying, surely but slowly.

– moderate forces trying to build an ideal rainbow Ethiopia, in which all languages can have their respective administrative area without being dominated by the other. This kind of Ethiopia promoted by most nations is ideal and fair, but practically can be a reality only temporarily as transitional state.

– radical forces trying to foster the future realistic Ethiopia to be legitimately led by Oromiffa/Oromumma, so that the country will be de facto Oropia. Most Oromo nationalists are becoming aware of this natural evolutionary process of democratization in the country.

The first one (the existing Amapia) can be kept only dictatorially. That is why EPP and its allies like Ezema are so comfortable with the ongoing dictatorial arrangement. The second state (rainbow Ethiopia) can only be transitional during the political journey of transformation from Amaria to Oropia. The third option is the legitimate and realistic final result of any democratization process in the country. That ist why Jawar Mohammed recently suggested the nececvity of promoting this democratization process and called Dr. Abiy to give up his dictatorial mainainance of Great Amaria and to give in the democratic formation of Oropia.

Dr. Abiy’s Prosperity party once said that it is committed to keep unity of Ethiopian people and territorial integrity of the country. But, not yet clear is: which Ethiopia? The hitherto Ethiopia under domination of Amaranet/Amarigna which is de facto Amapia or the ideal Rainbow Ethiopia in which all nations and their respective cultures shall have their legitimate position and share (Oromummaa 40% Agawinet 20%, Amarigna 10%, Somalummaa 6%, Tegarunet 5% …. etc) or henceforth legitimate leadership of Afaan Oromo as a primary language of the federation, i. e de facto Oropia? Rainbow Ethiopia is ideal, but only utopia not to be realised because of the competing two big identities (Amaranet vs Oromumma). Fact on the ground tells us that other smaller identities will be influenced and slowly, but surely assimilated by one of the two big languages depending on which one is dominating or leading. As long as Amarigna is dictatorially dominating as it is now, others will be assimilated to Amaranet. When Afaan Oromo will take its legitimate leadership position in the federation, they will surely adopt Oromummaa.

Thus, simply the colour of Ethiopianet is mainly influenced by these two diametrically opposite colours of white (Amaranet) and black (Oromuamma). Note that according to Oromo culture, black color is a symbol for holiness, not for evil as Ferenjis put it. Currently, Ethiopia is under influence of both colours, thus it is grey. Till the emergence of the OLF about 50 years ago, the colour was purely white. Thanks to the OLF mindset of bilisummaa/freedom, the colour is changing slowly but surely. Now, I can guess that the grey coclour of Ethiopia is about 60/40 (60% Amaranet and 40% Oromumma). This must change further till the proportion of at least Rainbow colours (40% Oromumma, 10% Amaranet and 50% others) will be realized. If we can keep this balanced rainbow position, it is really fair. If keeping the balance is impossible, then we need to reverse the proportion of the grey colour to at least 40/60 (40% Amaranet and 60% Oromumma). Unfortunately, it seems that Dr. Abiy and his Prosperity party are committed to maintain the hitherto Great Amaria, instead of either forging Rainbow Ethiopia or foster Great Oromia.

The Main difference between the pro-Amaranet elites like Dr. Abiy Ahmed and pro-Oromumma elites like Dr. Haile Fida is not based on the type of federation they promote (mono-national/geo-federation vs multi-national/ethno-federation), but regarding the language they choose as primary language of the federation. No two languages can be used equally in federal institutions like palace, parlament, cabinet  military, security and court. One language should always either dominate (dictatorially) or lead (democratically). In Dr. Abiy’s Ethiopia, Amaragna is dominating dictatorially. Dr Abiy is also very comfortable with such reduction of Oromiffaa to secondary position. Just look at his facebook, where Amarigna always appears at first, being followed by either english or Oromiffaa. Such self-loathing Oromo elites ruled Ethiopia from Yekno-Amlak (1270) till Abiy Ahmed. Hopefully, this trend will be changed by the bitter struggle of genuine pro-Oromiffaa elites as envisioned by Dr Haile Fida (mono-national federalist) and Dr. Baro Tumsa (multi-national federalist). For the Oromo as a majotity over all Ethiopia, both types of federations are not bad as long as Afaan Oromo takes its natural primary leading position democratically. All Oromo elites in the OLF and OFC need to concentrate on such promotion of Afaan Orom

Oromo liberation movement is now in its 3rd and last phase. In the 1st phase we defeated unitarist Amara Naftagnas in 1991. During the 2nd phase  we got rid of Tegaru Naftagnas in 2018. Now, we are struggling against Oromo Naftagnas led by Abiy Ahmed. The common denominator of all the three Naftagnas is that they dictatorially promote domination of Amarigna and Amaranet at the cost of Oromiffa and Oromumma in that cursed empire.  It is not surprising that the first two Abyssinian Naftagnas did this job, but annoylng is to see the Oromo elites led be Abiy betraying the Oromo and further revering Amarigna instead of respecting Oromiffa. If democracy and justice prevails, no question that Oromiffa and Oromumma shall take the leading and primary position, so that all nations will use Afaan Oromo as common working language replacing Amatrigna. Amara elites and other Amaranized elites know this process very well and that is why they are doing every thing under the sun in order to hinder the democratization and transformation process of Ethippia from hitherto Great Amaria to future Great Oromia. Surely, Jawar Mohammed’s democratic federation will fulfill this purpose on the grave of Abiy Ahmed’s ongoing dictatorial federation, which is practically the extension of TPLF’s pseudo-federation led by the anti-Oromo OPDO of Abiy.

Actually, I thought that Abyssinian dominated Ethiopia (ADE/Athiopia) is dying and Oromian led Ethiopia (OLE/Othiopia) is growing. But, it seems that Dr. Abiy is keeping Athiopia instead of making Othiopia. Actually, there is no compromise solution between the two forms of Ethiopia. We either can maintain Athiopia dominated by Amaranet as it seems to be under Dr. Abiy’s leadership or we better foster Othiopia with primarily flourishing Oromummaa.

At the beginning of the reformation led by team Lammaa, Athiopia started to die and Othiopia was growing. That is why we were observing the Abesha starting to hate Ethiopia, whereas the Oromo were beginning to love it. Surely, the Oromo have killed effectively the past Oromophobic Ethiopia and now striving to build future Oromophilic Ethiopia. We wished that Abesha dominated Ethiopia will be dead never to come back again. We hoped that Oromo led Ethiopia will flourish for the coming thousands of years. But, Dr. Abiy’s transitional Ethiopia smells still more like Athiopia rather than Othiopia.

Till 1991,  the Oromo legitimately hated past Ethiopia, the Tegaru were indifferent and the Amhara loved it. Then, up to 2018, Tegarus loved their  Ethiopia, the Oromo were ambivalent and Amharas hated it. Now, under Oromo Naftagnas leadership (unlike Dr. Abiy’s attempt to save Athiopia), Tegarus are hating Ethiopia, Amharas being indifferent and the Oromo are starting to love it; because the future democratic Ethiopia is defacto Oromia. Slowly, even the Amara are on the verge of hating this Ethiopia, eventhough they claim to be die hard Ethiopianists. Of course, Tegaru elites will try to dismantle the Oromophilic Ethiopia, for they already lost power in Finfinne palace; but the Oromo will benefit by keeping the future democratic Ethiopia. I don’t think the Amara elites will be happy to live in such future Ethiopia, where the Oromo will enjoy all our human and national rights; they may opt to leave the union, just like their Tegaru kins.

That is why, I always said, the name Ethiopia is a trade mark, which any nation in power at Caffee Araara palace can use. That was the reason I always encouraged Oromo elites to be smart enough to instrumentalize this name, instead of only singing about Oromia. Thanks to Waaqa, now Oromo elites got the message and are doing the nice bussiness. I am happy to see that. I am sure that Dr. Abiy trying to stabilize Athiopia will cost him a lot. He is slowly loosing Oromo’s support and surely Abesha elites will use and discard him as usual. He better come back to team Lamma and build Othiopia on the grave of Athiopia.

Otherwise, it is really good to observe how the Cushites are coming together and trying to forge unity in order to promote their leadership in Ethiopia. This country is core of all Cushitic nations in the Horn of Africa extending from southern Egypt to northern Tanzania. The major Cushitic nation, the Oromo, now trying to overtake the leadership in Ethiopia is the best opportunity for cultural, economic and political emancipation and integration of the Horn. The true Ethiopians (Cushites) shall prevail on the grave of the domination system by elites of pseudo- Ethiopians (the Habesh).

Surprisingly, the Habesh do call themselves true Ethiopians, while at the same time denying their Cushitic identity. Actually, if they are not Cush, they can not claim the more than 3000 years history of Cushitic kingdom and Cushitic civilizazion. They symbolize their identity as Habesh (bas’tards or mixed) – a result of the Saaba-Solomon legend. They all want to be seen as diqala (bas’tard) just like Menelik-I (“the diqala son of Saaba and Solomon”). Till now, this Habesh (Abyssinians) were used by their Western handlers to colonize the true Ethiopians by proxy.

To cover or mask their evil deed, the Western politicians advised them to take the name Ethiopia, instead of Abyssinia. Just like the Markato thieves do, when they want to claim others’ property, the Habesh used to talk 24/7 and tell us that they are “genuine Ethiopians”. They even dared to decide who is Ethiopian and who is not, acting as certificate providers. I must say, now it is time for true Ethiopians (the Cushites) to rise up and show the fake Ethiopians, who they really are. In fact, till now, Abyssinians were colonizers of Ethiopians. All Ethiopians rised up together and liberated themselves from this Abyssinian colonization.

In order to dismantle this Abyssinian empire (usually mis-named as Ethiopian empire), it was a right time for the ODF and the OLF to think about fostering EDF (Ethiopian Democratic Front) and ELF (Ethiopian Liberation Front) respectively, i.e to accomodate all the colonized Cushites. Both the planed EDF and the ELF then would have been inclusive of all the democratic forces and the liberation fronts from all Cushitic nations to fight for their freedom from the Abyssinian system of domination. The struggle between the colonizer Fake Ethiopians and the colonized True Ethiopians continued till Ethiopia was liberated from Abyssinia.

I hope Oromian led Ethiopia will flourish on the grave of Abyssinian dominated Ethiopia. This true Cushitic Ethiopia will be main integrator of the Horn and unifier of the whole Africa. Finfinne being heart of Oromia, capital of Ethiopia and seat of African union, under leadership of the Oromo will be common city of cultural show for all Cushitic nations in the Horn. But the burning question at the moment is: can we say that Dr. Abiy is preserving ADE (Abyssinian Dominated Ethiopia) or promoting OLE (Oromian Led Ethiopia)? Time will tell us. Fact on the ground is that as long as Amarinya and Amharanet dominate in the palace, capital city and parlament, ADE is maintained at the cost of OLE. I don’t think that Dr. Abiy is not conscious enough about this reality. If not, may Waaqa open his mind! Otherwise, the Oromo better rally behind Jawar Mohammed’s democratic federation, in which Oromiffa and Oromumma will naturally take primary position in Ethiopia.


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